Thursday, October 23, 2014

Obama Admits To Forging Birth Certificate; President Not Natural-Born U.S. Citizen | Empire News

Obama Admits To Forging Birth Certificate; President Not Natural-Born U.S. Citizen | Empire News

Wow isn't the media a bit slow on this issue?  Many in the White House suspected him, why are chatges being brought up against him?

"It’s true that I was not born here in this great country,” said the President in his speech. “That does not mean, though, that I have not led us through some great times. I have fought hard to make sure we are protected. I almost single-handedly killed that son of a b—- bin Laden. I have driven us into, and then right back out of, a horrible recession. I knew what needed to be done to get to where I am, and so I had to make it happen.”

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