Majority Disagree With Obama’s View on Role of Government
Why Is the Obama Administration Courting Hezbollah?
Obama Faces Backlash Over New Corporate Powers In Secret Trade Deal
Why Obama lies
Exclusive: Mychal Massie examines childhood betrayal, self-worth, neo-Leninism
Why Obama lies
Why Obama lies
Exclusive: Mychal Massie examines childhood betrayal, self-worth, neo-Leninism
Mychal Massie Published: 11/25/2013 at 8:04 PM
New caveat on Obama pledge: Pay to keep your doctor
The Obama Administration.... "Put simply, there is a long track record of broken promises and untruthful answers to both this committee and the American people with respect to how this law would work and the impact it would have," Hatch told Sebelius at a committee hearing.
Read to read more
Washington Post....Click Link To Read Story
Media split over use of ‘lie’ in reference to Obama health-care promise
Words can cause presidents self-inflicted wounds

By Jeff Greenfield November 5, 2013 1:33 PM
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration appears to have almost no international support for controversial new trade standards that would grant radical new political powers to corporations, increase the cost of prescription medications and restrict bank regulation, according to two internal memos obtained by The Huffington Post. Click here to read more!