Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Nation's Future?

A very interesting article about the media giants who shape and control what we see and hear. If we want to voice our own opinion I guess they’ll give us one?

Article from the blaze.com

The One Fascinating Statistic That May Explain Why TheBlaze TV Isn’t on Your Cable System…Yet

While it may seem like the consumer has countless more choices than in the past — when the only channels available for many were ABC, NBC and CBS — a handful of companies still control most of the major programming.

And since those few companies already have such a strong grip on the industry, there is little incentive for them to make room for other networks.

The only way to break through is for the voice of the consumer to be heard clearly and
unequivocally........Read Entire Article…
The One Fascinating Statistic....http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/01/21/the-one-fascinating-statistic-that-may-explain-why-theblaze-tv-isnt-on-your-cable-systemyet/

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